263 Cute & Funny “Among Us” Names 

by Aakash Regmi
Among Us

We are fortunate that our real names are assigned to us when young; otherwise we’d be searching on the internet for months and yet remain undecided on our names. Many struggle with naming things, and often that’s the first thing you are required to do. 

Choosing your name on Among Us is easy, as it’s changeable every game. You can go with simple names like vegetables, fruits, or any landmark place you like. 

Here are some names you could go with:

List of Among Us Names: Generic, Cute, Funny, Boys, Girls

The list includes names from all alphabets A-Z, making sure no lesser known like X, Y, Z letter names are left behind! 

My favorites are:

  1. Your mom: because it’ll say “your mom was the imposter” when you get caught. 
  2. Yellow: because it’ll confuse the lobby when they start calling out color names
  3. Skip: Often leads to funny voting situations
  4. VentCleaner: Ironic, since impostors often use vents
  5. noone: Causes confusion during discussions.
  6. Sus: Short for “suspicious,” commonly used in-game
  7. Sparkles: A cute name
  8. HappyCrew: Suggests a joyful and team-spirited player

Funny Among Us Names

  1. Mike Who Cheese
  2. Your mom
  3. Yellow
  4. AaaChoo
  5. AmongWho?
  6. BoomNDoom
  7. Bustier
  8. CatsBark
  9. Commer
  10. DrumBeater
  11. DuhYou
  12. NateHiggers
  14.  FluffyBoi
  15.  FlatBrain
  16.  GamesGone
  17.  Gassed
  18.  HighAF
  19.  HolyPoop
  20.  IQ2
  21.  IAmPoster
  22.  J.J.J
  23.  JackOff
  24.  KumOnMan
  25.  KingSus
  26.  L
  27. LolMyLife
  28.  MootMe
  29.  MissHer
  30.  NaughtyBo
  31.  NotSureWho
  32.  OMyScience
  33.  Omelet
  34.  PissedPant
  35.  PoorPope
  36.  QuadCore
  37.  Question
  38.  ResetMe
  39.  Romancer
  40.  SeggsEdFun
  41.  ShutUpMan 
  42.  ThisThat
  43.  TallMidget
  44.  UnMe2Geda
  45.  UncleCool
  46.  VisaFinish
  47.  ViolentRed
  48.  WeAllLoser
  49.  WaitNoOne
  50.  XtraMan
  51.  XWithoutY
  52.  YMe
  53.  YoWhat
  54. ZestyTesty
  55.  ZooHero

Generic Among Us Names

  1. Ash
  2. AyeSenpai
  3. BangBang 
  4. Bo
  5. ChopChopMF 
  6. Cheater
  7. Drunkard
  8. DonkeyAss
  9. Elisabeth
  10.  EyeSee
  11.  FastBoi
  12.  FuriousBoi
  13.  GG
  14.  Garlic
  15.  Hero
  16.  Heroine
  17.  Imposter
  18.  IHateThis
  19.  Jeez 
  20.  JaazIsGood
  21.  K
  22.  KillMe
  23.  Loser
  24.  Lost
  25.  Mango
  26.  Martyr
  27.  NopeImOut
  28.  NaNaNa
  29.  Ostrich 
  30.  OrangeIsRed
  31.  PotatoMe
  32.  Puppy
  33.  QuiteFart
  34.  Queen
  35.  Rice
  36.  Ramen
  37.  Snakeeeee! 
  38.  SheSaidEww
  39.  TameMyButt
  40.  Turtle 
  41.  UGood
  42.  Undertaker
  43.  Venom 
  44.  Violet 
  45.  Walrus
  46.  Winston 
  47.  XmasHero
  48.  XboxTwo
  49.  YeahBaby
  50.  Yawn
  51.  Zebra 
  52.  Zero

Cute Among Us Name

  1. AwwUBeauty
  2. AmGoodU?
  3. Bluetooth
  4. BlessUAll
  5. CutestBall
  6. CatIsLove
  7. DogIsLife
  8. Dr.Monsoon
  9. EatHealthy 
  10.  EasyMan
  11.  FellOnLove
  12.  FerryMerry
  13.  GoodGame
  14.  GoodGoing 
  15.  Hurray
  16.  Hi-fi
  17.  ILoveAllU
  18.  IglooMan
  19.  JustLove
  20.  JimmyProud
  21.  KeepUp 
  22.  KoolPet
  23.  LoveGecko
  24.  LetsEnjoy
  25.  MonaIsLisa
  26.  MakeHappen
  27.  NeverLetGo
  28.  NonsenseMe
  29.  OhThatsOk
  30.  OkChinUp
  31.  PeopleGood
  32.  PutOnSmile
  33.  QueenNKing
  34.  QualityUs
  35.  RandomGood 
  36.  RestEasy 
  37.  SussyYou 
  38.  SheIsFine
  39.  TeamUp
  40.  TensionNot 
  41.  UGotIt
  42.  UBestBoi
  43.  VoltBolt
  44.  ValueDog
  45.  WeWillWin
  46.  Willpower
  47.  XmasGift
  48.  XmasCard
  49.  YouAwesome
  50.  Yellow
  51.  Zzz
  52.  ZeroToOne

Among Us Name For Boys 

Of course, even if you’re not a boy, you can use the name listed below. This is just something most “teen” boys may be keen on, or those who generally look for a “manly” name just for fun or to sound badass.

  1. Alexander 
  2. Almighty 
  3. Boss 
  4. BigBoi
  5. Champ
  6. ChessPlayer
  7. Dominator 
  8. DadBest
  9. ExMan
  10.  East
  11.  Father
  12.  FrenchToast
  13.  GirlsBoy 
  14.  GGMyBoys
  15.  Highlander 
  16.  Hunter
  17.  Intellect
  18.  ImGod 
  19.  JustJokin
  20.  JotDown
  21.  King
  22.  Kross
  23.  Lame 
  24.  LastMan
  25.  MustSee
  26.  MightyFrog
  27.  NunGood
  28.  Nunchuck 
  29.  OiCutey
  30.  OhYesSirr
  31. PardonMe
  32.  ProPlayer
  33.  QualitySTD
  34.  Quench 
  35.  RightAlways 
  36.  Roman 
  37.  SmashButt 
  38.  Shhhh
  39.  Titanic 
  40.  Timmy 
  41.  Unhinged 
  42.  Unholy 
  43.  Vulture 
  44.  Vicious 
  45.  Walker 
  46.  Worm 
  47.  Xerox
  48.  Xe
  49.  YourNightmare
  50.  Yes 
  51.  ZullyBully
  52.  ZamesWithZ

Among Us Names For Girls 

  1. Ana
  2. Alone
  3. BestBuddy 
  4. BowAndTie 
  5. CallMeMel
  6. CakeIsGood
  7. Dangerous
  8. Delicate
  9.  Emma
  10.  EvenOdds
  11.  FightLife
  12.  FarmCharm
  13.  GameTime
  14.  GloryToSus
  15.  Highway
  16.  Hoodie
  17.  IceCream
  18.  Inertia 
  19.  JohnCena
  20.  JoshIsHot 
  21.  KeepIt 
  22.  Kangaroo 
  23.  Lioness 
  24.  LuckNoLuck
  25.  Marilyn 
  26.  Monroe
  27.  Nugget
  28.  Night 
  29.  Omen 
  30.  Ostrich 
  31.  Princess 
  32.  Pink 
  33.  Queen 
  34.  Quadrant 
  35.  RedBerries 
  36.  Rose 
  37.  Snowfall 
  38.  SweetPotato
  39.  Terminator 
  40.  TeamLeader 
  41.  Underdog 
  42.  Unfettered 
  43.  Vacuum
  44.  Venice 
  45.  Waffle
  46.  WearyVet
  47.   Xenia
  48.   XeroQueen
  49.  YellNo 
  50.  YaasQueen 
  51.  ZooLover
  52.  Zealous

That’s a wrap! There were a total of 263 names on the list, and they were from all the alphabets. We sure hope you found at least one worthy of your Among Us username.

If you’re confused about which name to use, you can always try a combination with your real name. Like, Ash for Aakash, or if you have regional names, translate the meaning and you will find a permanent gamertag that can be used everywhere. 

Otherwise, you can pick your favourite video game character and use their name, like Ezio, Arthur, or Joel. If nothing yet strikes, open the dictionary, turn random pages and see the word that pops up and try to find a combination.

You can always be random, don’t overthink it. Just make sure you are not using something offensive and you should be alright. 

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